
Internationally bestselling author of the Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband
“Michael Green acquired, helped edit, and brought to market my very first novel in the Ranger's Apprentice series, forever changing my life. He has an unerring way of spotting problems in a story and suggesting positive ways to resolve them. I enjoyed working with him immensely. In fact, it turned out so well that we did it again (and again).”

Illustrator of the #1 international bestseller The Day the Crayons Quit and author/illustrator of
Here We Are and Stuck
“Michael Green picked me out from the slush pile. Barely in my 20s and having very little idea what I was doing, I blindly mailed my first picture book dummy to dozens of publishers. Michael acted immediately, tracking me down in Belfast. He was the first to give me a ‘break,’ offering sage and unselfish advice right from our first meeting and continuing over the course of the next fifteen years. He supported my intent and style while never pressuring me to be anything other than myself. All these years later he remains an invaluable friend and advisor.”

Carnegie Award-winning, internationally bestselling author of the historical fiction novels
Between Shades of Gray and Salt to the Sea (One of Time magazine's
100 Best YA Books of All Time)
“Amidst many rejections and a complex marketplace, Michael Green saw something in my writing that others did not. He took a chance on me, investing his time and talent to create novels with the type of impact I could only dream of. From idea genesis to specific editorial guidance to eventual publication in over sixty countries, Michael oversaw the whole process. He invested his time and talent not only to build a novel, but also to build a career.
I am forever grateful.”
Author of the #1 international bestselling Alex Rider teen spy novels; Order of the British Empire honoree (OBE)
“I worked with Michael Green for fifteen years and I’ve yet to meet a more intuitive, informed, and enthusiastic editor. I owe him a lot.”
Bestselling author/illustrator of The Bill the Cat Story and Pete & Pickles; Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of Bloom County and Opus comic strips
“I don’t let just anybody tell me to adjust an expression on the face of one of my characters. Them’s fightin’ words. But Michael successfully earned that hazardous role in my world.”